Clocked Logic:How counters work... (LESSON 2)

The T Flip-Flop
(Toggle Flip-Flop)

    RS Flip-Flops can be combined in a way to produce a circuit that "counts". Remember the RS Flip-Flop, its output changed to one state with the trigger of one of its inputs and changed to a different state with the trigger of the other input. A T Flip Flop alternates output states every time it receives a pulse on its "clock input" abbreviated as "CLK". The CLK is an input that keeps the system synchronyzed. In the next section we will talk about the differences between asynchronys and synchronys circuits. The clock could be a button that the user presses, every time he/she wishes to "step" the system, or it could be an automatically generated signal, also known as a wave or series of pulses. A pulse is a change from one logical state to the other and back to the original. It can be brief or long. As far as the counter is concerned, it doesn't matter. Realistically, however, the pulse can not be too brief. There is a point where the pulse width is so small, that the transistors wouldn't be able to switch fast enough. This is one obstacle researches must continually push through when designing faster and faster computers.
short pulse and long pulse

    The graph on the left is a pulse that went high for a relatively short period of time and the graph on the right lasted for a long period of time.

Master Slave Flip-Flop
    The circuit above is a T Flip-Flop, a type of master-slave Flip-Flop. Every time the input makes a full cycle the Q and compilment of Q alternate. First, lets break apart this into its sub-components:

RS Flip-Flop with clocking added This is the original RS Flip-Flop with gates added to the R and S inputs. It differs from the original in that it now has a way to be synchronized with other systems it is involved with. In the old RS Flip-Flop, a change to the R or S input resulted in an immediate change to that value. The clock added improved "RS Flip-Flop" doesn't allow the commands to pass through until the clock goes low. When the clock is high the clear and set inputs become disconnected from the RS Flip-Flop.

    By putting these two blocks together, we can build a T Flip-Flop:

Master Slave Flip-Flop

    In the T Flip-Flop, on the low clock information is passed from the master section inputs to the master section outputs. Then on the high clock information is transferred to the slave section. This greatly improves the original RS flip-flop by preventing unchecked states and race conditions. Everything happens during a certain "level" of the clock. For this reason it is called a level clocked circuit. One disadvantage to level clocked systems is that input data cannot be reliably changed in between clock cycles. As a general rule all inputs to a level clocked system should be hard wired or driven by something running off of the same clock, such as how the master receive inputs from the slaves outputs in the T Flip-Flop. The other type of clocking, known as edge clocking, has many advantages as well as draw backs. We will discuss it in the next section.

    Here is the truth table for the T Flip-Flop

Compliment of Q

    To clear up any confusion you may be having, watch this simulation:

    When the clock input goes high, information is passed from the Q outputs back to the "set" and "clear" inputs on the master logic block. Then, when the clock goes low,  the information is passed through to the slave and registers on the outputs. The RS Flip-Flops remembers the former state to determine the next state, which is what allows the toggle action.

    Disregard the value of Compliment of Q for a moment, since it is just the opposite of Q. Every time the clock changes from 0-1 and then back from 1-to-0 (0-1-0), Q alternates to the other logical value. So, if Q was previously 1, it now becomes 0. This is a divide by two binary counter. Two changes on the clock cause one change on the output. If the output of one of these counter circuits is connected to another counter circuit the end result would be a divide by 4 binary counter, or twice as slow as the previous counter.

counters in cascade
    The counter circuit has been replaced by a single "block" with only the inputs and outputs labeled. By feeding the output of one counter into another, the original clock speed (cycles per second (Hz) ) is reduced by a factor of two each time. The end result of this particular example is 16 times slower than the input frequency. But what does this have to do with counting?? Keep reading...


   Each row represents a fixed state in between pulses. The top row is the beginning. The second row is the state after one pulse, the second row after the second pulse, and so on. The Q values are in reverse order. QA is on the far right and QD is on the far left, like this:


    You may realize that this pattern exactly matches the binary number system . By "decoding" this 4-bit value we can make a simple decimal counter on, perhaps, a 7-segment display.

    The 4 circles above the digit display represent LEDs (when the LEDs are green that means they are on = 1) that are attached (from left to right) to QD,QC,QB,QA on the cascaded counter. The digit display is the decimal conversion of the binary input. Since the 4 bit counter counts from 0-15, the numbers passed 9 cant be displayed in decimal on the digit display. To make a proper 0-9 counter additional logic that checked for the number "10" and then reset the system would need to be added. We will discuss that in a later section. 

    This is just a glimpse of what flip flops can do. There are many other powerful applications which are found in virtually any digital device. These include, counters, shift registers, memory storage, and synchronizers. We will discuss these in more detail in the upcoming sections


Clocked Logic: Lesson 1
Clocked Logic: Lesson 2
  Clocked Logic: Lesson 3